How to Apply for an Arms License in Pakistan: A Beginner’s Guide to NADRA and Firearms

How to Apply for an Arms License in Pakistan: A Beginner's Guide to NADRA and Firearms

Ever dream of owning a firearm for self-defense? We’ve got your back! This guide unlocks everything you need to know about getting an Arms License in Pakistan, paperwork and all.

NADRA Arms License Registration Fees (Pakistan)

License TypeFee (PKR)Notes
Prohibited Bore (Fully Automatic)35,000Renewal: 20,000
Non-Prohibited Bore (Semi-Automatic)25,000Renewal: 15,000
Vintage Weapon15,000Renewal: 10,000
Shotgun10,000Renewal: 7,500
Pistol/Revolver8,000Renewal: 5,000
Institutional License (Security Companies)50,000Renewal: 30,000

Know Your Guns: PB vs. NPB Weapons in Pakistan Explained (No Jargon!)

So, you’re thinking about getting a licensed firearm in Pakistan? Awesome! But first, let’s make sure you know the big two categories: Prohibited Bore (PB) and Non-Prohibited Bore (NPB) weapons. Think of them as the “heavy hitters” and the “everyday guns.”

PB Weapons:

These bad boys pack a punch. We’re talking serious firepower, like:

  • Rifles 303: Remember World War II? Yeah, that’s the kind of firepower. Respectable.
  • Automatic/Semi-Automatic Rifles: BRRRRRR! These babies spit bullets like nobody’s business. Not for newbies.
  • Rifle G-III: Not sure what this one is, but it sounds futuristic and powerful. PB.
  • Stengun: Another historical relic, used by gangsters and freedom fighters alike. Not your neighborhood BB gun.
  • Carbine: Think of a shorter, meaner rifle. Packs a punch in a smaller package.

NPB Weapons:

These are your more “chill” firearms, perfect for target shooting or self-defense:

  • Shotgun 12/.14/.16-bore: Classic hunting and skeet-shooting shotguns. Pump action? No need to reload after every shot, but still plenty of power.
  • Revolvers/Pistols: Six-shooters and their semi-automatic cousins. The iconic guns of movies and westerns.
  • Rifle 22 bore non-automatic: Think of it as the little brother of the 303. Perfect for practice or plinking cans in the backyard.

Remember: This is just a basic overview. Always follow all legal regulations and safety precautions when handling firearms. And if you’re unsure about anything, consult a licensed gunsmith or the authorities.

How to Get Nadra Arms License Registration

Grab Your Paperwork

  • License Form: Snag it at the Deputy Commissioner’s Office, or the Interior Ministry, or download it online – your choice!
  • CNIC Copy: Get your trusted card prepped for a photo shoot alongside…
  • Two Passport Photos: Recent, clear, and ready to smile (or not – no judgment on gun-owning faces!).

Fill ‘Er Up!

  • Application Form: Time to get detailed! Fill it out completely and accurately, making sure no bullet points are missed.

Pay Up!

  • Registration Fee: Fees vary depending on your chosen license type, so be prepared to invest in your safety.

Submit & Relax!

  • Hand over your completed form, documents, and payment: Head to the Interior Ministry or Deputy Commissioner’s Office and let the pros work their magic.
  • NADRA to the Rescue: They’ll process your application and let you know when your shiny new license is ready for pickup!

NADRA arms license application form download

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How to Apply for an Arms License in Pakistan: A Beginner's Guide to NADRA and Firearms

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How to Apply for an Arms License in Pakistan: A Beginner's Guide to NADRA and Firearms

Your Guide to NADRA Arms Licenses: FAQs Answered!

Ever dreamt of owning a firearm for safety or target practice? This FAQ guide unlocks everything you need to know about getting a NADRA Arms License in Pakistan, from eligibility to renewal!

Q: What’s a NADRA Arms License?

Think of it as your official green light to own and use guns legally in Pakistan. It’s a digital document, so no more paper clutter!

Q: Can I apply?

Sure, if you’re:

  • A Pakistani citizen (no dual citizenship, sorry!)
  • 21+ years old (gotta be responsible)
  • Mentally and physically fit (safety first!)
  • Got a clean criminal record (past is in the past)
  • Hold a valid CNIC (your ID card is key)

Q: What kind of guns can I own?

Two main types:

  • Prohibited Bore: Heavy hitters like fully automatic weapons (think action movies, but responsibly!)
  • Non-Prohibited Bore: Everyday guns like semi-automatics and shotguns (perfect for target practice or self-defense)

Q: How long does it take?

Patience is key! Processing can take 30-60 days, so plan.

Q: How do I track my application?

It’s easy! Check online through the Pak ID Portal or Mobile App, or simply text your application tracking ID to 8400.

Q: What if they reject me?

Don’t panic! You’ll get a reason and a chance to appeal if you think it’s a mistake.

Q: Renewal time?

Don’t wait till the last minute! Apply online or at a NADRA Center at least 60 days before your license expires.

Q: Lost or stolen license?

Report it to the police ASAP and apply for a duplicate at a NADRA Center. Remember, responsible gun ownership means keeping track!

Q: Can I transfer my license?

Nope, these licenses are personal, like your toothbrush (hygiene level: mandatory).


It is important to get an arms license because it is illegal to possess a firearm without one. An arms license is a document that allows you to own and use a firearm for a specific purpose, such as self-defense or hunting.

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