NADRA Divorce Certificate Pakistan: Online & Offline Application Guide

NADRA Divorce Certificate Pakistan: Online & Offline Application Guide

Feeling the butterflies flutter in your stomach about navigating the Pakistani divorce journey? Need that official document to unlock your new beginning? No need to worry, friend! This guide will be your trusty compass, helping you navigate the administrative maze and snag your divorce decree faster than you can say “legal freedom, here I come!”

Step-by-step guide on how to get a divorce certificate in Pakistan

Ready to officially close the chapter on your marriage in Pakistan? Don’t let the paperwork jungle scare you! This guide is your map to snagging that divorce certificate like a pro.

  1. Step 1: Court Time: Head to family or civil court (requirements vary, so check beforehand) and file your divorce petition. Buckle up for court appearances as the judge hears both sides and decides if it’s officially over.
  2. Step 2: Decree Day: If the judge gives the green light, you’ll score a divorce decree – your legal proof of freedom.
  3. Step 3: NADRA to the Rescue: Now, arm yourself with your decree, CNICs (yours and your ex’s), and a passport-size photo. You can waltz into a NADRA office or hop online to claim your official divorce certificate. Boom! Singlehood, here you come!

Ways to Apply for a NADRA Divorce Certificate

Online :

  1. Account Time: Head over to the NADRA website and create a free account. Think of it as your key to unlocking your divorce decree.
  2. Click & Claim: Find the “Apply for Divorce Certificate” button and click away! It’s like finding hidden treasure.
  3. Form Frenzy: Fill out the online form with your details and upload the required documents (your divorce decree, CNICs, passport-size photo). Think of it as building your case for freedom.
  4. Fee & Finish: Pay the application fee online and hit submit! Now, sit back and relax, your certificate is on its way.


  1. NADRA Quest: Find your nearest NADRA office and head over with your trusty divorce decree, CNICs, and passport-size photo. Think of it as your epic journey to claim your official document.
  2. Counter Crusaders: Approach the counter staff and submit your documents. They’ll be your guides through the process.
  3. Fee & Finish: Pay the application fee and get your receipt. Now, your certificate will be mailed straight to your doorstep!


Hand over all the needed paperwork, and boom! You’ll score your official divorce decree! This proof of singlehood means you’re officially ready for a fresh start. No more legal ties, just a clean slate and endless possibilities waiting for you. So, celebrate your freedom, grab a chai, and get ready for your next exciting chapter!

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