Upload NADRA Data Acquisition Form Now: Step-by-Step Guide


Ever wondered how to get your National Identity Card (NIC) or snazzy NADRA documents like a passport or driver’s license? Well, it all starts with one key form: the NADRA Data Acquisition Form.

Think of it as your passport to official Pakistan. It’s where you share all the juicy details that make you, you – name, birthday, address, the whole shebang. It even asks about your family, education, and even what you do for a living. Don’t worry, it’s all confidential!

So, who needs this form? If you’re a Pakistani citizen and any of these apply, then buckle up:

  • First-time NIC applicant: Welcome aboard! This form is your ticket to officialdom.
  • NIC renewal: Time to refresh your ID? This form helps NADRA keep your info up-to-date.
  • Passport or driving license seeker: These documents need your unique details too, and guess what? Yep, you guessed it – this form is your BFF.

Sample of Data Acquisition Form

Here are two examples of a Data Acquisition Form that has been filled out. The first one is for FRC, and the second one is for NICOP.

Upload NADRA Data Acquisition Form Now: Step-by-Step Guide

steps to fill out the NADRA Data Acquisition Form

  1. Grab the form: Head over to the NADRA website and download the form. It’s quick and easy!
  2. Print it out: Use either A4 or Letter paper, whichever you have handy.
  3. Fill it in Grab a black pen and start filling out the form. Make sure to double-check everything for accuracy.
  4. Witness it: Get your signature and a witness’s signature officially certified by a magistrate or notary public.
  5. Scan it: Use a scanner to create a digital copy of the form. Set it to 600 DPI or higher and use grayscale for the best results. Keep the file size under 10 MB.
  6. Upload it: The final step is to upload the scanned form to the NADRA website. That’s it—you’re all done!

If you follow these tips, you’ll be more likely to have your form accepted by NADRA.

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